10. Reduced Body Odor 9. Lower Carbon Footprint 8. Less Animal Suffering 7. Cleaner Air, Water, Soil 6. Better Karma 5. Effortless Weight Loss 4. Detoxify From Pesticides, Antibiotics, etc. 3. Be More Peaceful 2. Save Money 1. Be Popular … Continue reading
Category Archives: vegan
People think fried food is bad, but it depends on: -Your Condition -The Type of Oil -What You Are Frying -How Much You Eat -What You Eat After If you are healthy, and not morbidly obese, or have not recently … Continue reading
If you are interested in learning about Macrobiotics, here is a tiny introduction… WHAT IS MACROBIOTICS? Macrobiotics is a philosophy that studies the forces of Yin and Yang in the universe, how they relate to all life, and how humans … Continue reading
Here’s the fix for our economy, environment, health and happiness… 1. Eat out half as often2. Eat half as much animal products and sugar, and buy less processed/artificial foods3. Cook with brown rice, other grains, organic land/sea vegetables, beans, nuts … Continue reading
I had the privilege of being a substitute teacher for 11th grade Spanish and 6th grade Science this past week in Framingham, and I had a wonderful experience. These kids are inheriting a world with big economic, social and environmental … Continue reading
Over the past couple of months I’ve had the privilege of supporting my friend who has lost both parents. Sometimes in difficult times and times of loss, we experience more, in a short period of time, than a bunch of … Continue reading
So many of my friend’s parents and parent’s friends have died and are dying, it’s like some strange parade of memories. Seeing old friends and acquaintances at funerals and shiva is in many ways nice, like Facebook, only real. If … Continue reading
I had a nice vacation in NC. Good news on all fronts! The stock market is at about half of what it was two years ago. The banks won’t lend, and who knows if they will survive. Great economy. GM … Continue reading
Last time I told you this is my down period, now I will show you why. I decided to go to Kripalu for some much needed rest and yoga and good (mostly) vegan food. The first day was great as … Continue reading
My whole life, January, February and March have been tough. I tend to get depressed, eat too much, stop exercising, get injuries, and I have left jobs more than once during this time. Why? The objective bystander might suggest it … Continue reading