Bacon, Egg, Cheese Sandwich

I have been partly, mostly or all vegan for 34 years. These days, my very principled daughter Jordana is living with us, and we cannot bring any animal foods into the house (except for the cat). It has been GREAT.

Last night, she made us the most delicious breakfast for dinner:

Bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches on homemade sourdough bread, with fresh herbs, tomato, onion and sprouts.… Read the rest

Causes of Breast Cancer? Dairy, Sugar, Yeast, Chicken Top The List

Got a call from the Breast Cancer Society today. They wanted money for women with breast cancer, and for research to end Breast Cancer. I did not give them any.

But I did give them an earful of what is now well established in the world: Breast cancer cannot happen if you do the following:

  1. Avoid all dairy
  2. Avoid all sugar, including fruit juice, artificial sweeteners, tropical foods, etc.
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Eating Out Healthy


Healthy people don’t eat out frequently. Portions are huge, the food is often not fresh, and it generally contains too much salt, sugar, chemicals, etc., even when it’s vegan.

If you must go out, here are a few tips:

  1. Go vegetarian or vegan (animal foods have more bacteria, fat, chemicals, etc.,
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Enjoy that Meat and dairy…While Your Body, The Earth & Animals Suffer


Your health problems are caused by animal foods.

Vegan odds of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes or having an accident are less than half of meat eaters.

Surprisingly, calcium, protein and vitamins are more prevalent in vegan foods as well. Lobbyists work hard to fight the truth.… Read the rest

Pimples, Toenail Fungus, Body Odor, Dandruff & More

Are you healthy? Everyone who is not a walking (or not) calamity answers yes to this, even when they are managing one or more chronic health problems. Truth is, more than half of us are not. Pitiful!

Imagine, having no allergies, no sick days, no bad back or knees or shoulder, no acne or depression or ADD, and having tons of energy upon waking and late into the evening.… Read the rest