Natural Remedies

There are many ways to improve symptoms. Doctors tend to overreact, because they want you to have immediate satisfaction, partly to get you out of their office, partly because they are spending too little time with you, and also because they are being paid by pharmaceutical companies to sell you drugs.… Read the rest

Great Grains

While whole grain boxed breakfast cereals and bread from the supermarket are less dangerous than some foods, they are not a recipe for good health and inspired works.

Every day, your body wants boiled whole grains such as brown rice, millet, quinoa, barley, oats, buckwheat and corn, and you will have cravings until you get it.… Read the rest

Vegan Hanukah Latkes

People think fried food is bad, but it depends on:

-Your Condition
-The Type of Oil
-What You Are Frying
-How Much You Eat
-What You Eat After

If you are healthy, and not morbidly obese, or have not recently had stomach surgery or some other condition which prevents you from digesting high-fat foods, you can have fried foods once in a while (eg twice per month).… Read the rest

Some Days You Know…

Today I woke up and knew I had to eat light.

I had trouble getting out of bed–three days in a row eating potato latkes might have contributed.

So here’s my plan…

1) Get plenty of fresh air and exercise
2) Eat lightly, and chew very well–brown rice, cooked veggies and soup only
3) Stay away from things I like and have been eating lately, such as bread, crackers, nuts Don’t eat standing up, or between meals
4) Have some hot carrot juice to stay relaxed about 3pm
5) Meditate on how lucky I am to have so many great people in my life

Tomorrow, I’ll probably go back to eating more, if I’m up to it.… Read the rest

Halfway to 90 Today

Here are some cool ideas and advice for you…

1. If you are looking for a new and delicious restaurant in Metrowest…
Punjabi Grill–went there today for the BEST Indian/Pakistani meal I’ve had in Boston in over five years. There are seven Indian restaurants within five miles of my home.Read the rest

Your Body Knows

It’s almost 2010, can you believe it? Happy Holidays!

The big party continues, from Halloween to Thanksgiving, and tonight starts Chanukah.




Then January will roll around, and it’s DIET TIME.… Read the rest

Interesting Statistics

The modern diet is responsible for dramatic increases in obesity, diabetes, stroke, some cancers and heart disease. The World Health Organization estimates that between 60 and 75% of the above diseases are caused by Diet, Smoking and Lack of Exercise.

The rise in disease rates, particularly in the young, is creating increased health costs that threaten to cripple Western economies.… Read the rest