My health is not perfect. After all, I’m 52, and I work every day. I get a cold every 2-3 years, and a sore shoulder, back or leg, maybe every other year, but overall I enjoy excellent health. Five cavities, one … Continue reading
Category Archives: tofu
If you eat these foods regularly, you are probably healthier than your neighbors: Brown Rice (preferably pressure-cooked short grain, this time of year) Seaweed (Nori, Wakame, Kombu, Arame, Dulse, Hiziki, Agar) Mushrooms (white, portobello, shiitake, maitake, porcini, oyster, etc.) Daikon … Continue reading
I eat all of these every week. Tofu, if organic, is a fine source of nutrients, and very satisfying if prepared well. Moderation is good, particularly if you are worried about breast cancer. But then you should not be having … Continue reading
The other day, I saw a young couple walk into Tennessee’s (BBQ) for lunch on a 90+ degree day. I do not know what they ordered, but all I could think was that I would never be attracted to that … Continue reading
Here are five great vegan brands to try at Whole Foods… The Bridge Tofu Sophie’s Kitchen Breaded Vegan Calamari Eden Seaweed Shake Ohsawa Shoyu Mori-Nu Silken Tofu (not refrigerated) Please comment if you need recipes. … Continue reading
Less animal food in our diet is a positive step towards better health. Here is a nice and easy recipe which everyone who likes egg salad will enjoy. Best Tofu Egg Salad Sandwich Ingredients: 3/4 package The Bridge Tofu 1 … Continue reading
Last night I cooked for a few friends, new and old, and they joined my family for dinner in Framingham. I had fun, and I think others did also. Menu–Hot Sake-Hearty Vegetable Miso Soup -Late Summer Salad -Millet with Sweet … Continue reading
If you are interested in learning about Macrobiotics, here is a tiny introduction… WHAT IS MACROBIOTICS? Macrobiotics is a philosophy that studies the forces of Yin and Yang in the universe, how they relate to all life, and how humans … Continue reading