10 Miracle Health Foods Americans Need To Know About

Last post I talked about the passing of Michio Kushi, the legendary entrepreneur, author, healer and teacher, who brought Macrobiotics into our lexicon, and save countless lives. Today I will discuss some health foods that he promoted to support human … Continue reading

Frequency of Illness vs. Quality of Diet

Do you get sick more than 2-3 times per year? Is the duration more than 24 hours? Does this affect your productivity, enjoyment or budget? If so, consider this: You may be eating too much, getting too many toxins, and … Continue reading

Broken Bones, Karma and Calcium

My friends and extended family sometimes have issues with falls, including hips, ankles, shoulders, neck, knees and fingers. What can be the matter? Osteoporosis! First, we need to be careful. Our intuition and our karma can help us avoid accidents … Continue reading

Seven Healthy Foods You Should Try

If you eat these foods regularly, you are probably healthier than your neighbors: Brown Rice (preferably pressure-cooked short grain, this time of year) Seaweed (Nori, Wakame, Kombu, Arame, Dulse, Hiziki, Agar) Mushrooms (white, portobello, shiitake, maitake, porcini, oyster, etc.) Daikon … Continue reading

A Healthy Late Summer Meal

What a beautiful summer in New England! Have you noticed the weather is changing? The mornings and evenings are much cooler now, and this is our cue to adjust our eating to eliminate the excess water from our bodies. This … Continue reading