Fantastic Health Quiz


Fantastic health means you feel great, look great, and live great, without technological intervention. Take this short test:

  1. Are you on any daily medication?
  2. Do you have any chronic health problems?
  3. Do you have more than one symptom?
  4. Are you over 40?
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Chemicals Are Everywhere…And So Is Cancer


USA cancer deaths are rising despite more testing, medicines, procedures, even vaccines. These interventions actually CAUSE cancer, and are very expensive.

What’s less expensive, and more effective? Prevention. Here’s the recipe (from our front page):

  1. Eat organic plant-based low fat/sodium/sugar meals
  2. Take nature walks and do yoga/stretching/massage
  3. Enjoy meditation, chanting, poetry, music, sleep
  4. Do body rubs every day & see a chiropractor regularly

Avoiding chemicals is not on the list because we really cannot avoid them.… Read the rest

Concussion (CTI) Linked With Animal Foods


We are getting to be more familiar with the pro athletes going postal, committing suicide, or suffering from cognitive impairment that seems like Alzheimers. In fact, there is an NFL settlement which is now being challenged, but needless to say the protocol for head injuries in sports and in communities is much different now than even two years ago.… Read the rest

Avoid Colds & Flu This Winter With Veg etc.

People in the USA don’t understand what colds and flu are, and how to prevent them. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry, so big pharma, hospitals, doctors and the government are not going to tell you. I will.

Here’s the deal:

Colds and flu are yin conditions.… Read the rest

How Much Nature Do You Want?


Maybe you love life in 2013.

Are you fully enjoying your smart phone, automobile, warmed and cooled home, vacations via air travel, phude, medications, etc.?

Is there any suffering that may be related to these?

Some examples of this suffering may include:

  • Lack of satisfaction
  • Financial Problems
  • Depression
  • Chronic Illness
  • Intuition that your life is not complete

Solving these problems is not difficult, and it’s actually a lot of fun.… Read the rest

Find Nature For Health, Peace, Happiness & Longevity

Take a minute to be grateful for all you have, and all you have experienced. Nam myoho renge kyo.

Now consider that there may be infinite paths of living the rest of your life. Common sense really, as there are thousands of choices we all make everyday, from meals to words to driving directions to investment decisions.… Read the rest

New Reasons Not To Eat Beef

cowsare people

According to researchers, eating beef more than once per year contributes to heart disease.

Okay, so here’s 10 reasons not to eat beef:

  1. Linked to heart disease
  2. Linked to cancer
  3. Linked to obesity
  4. Linked to alzheimers
  5. Drains drinking water supplies
  6. Damages soil through fertilizer and toxic runoff
  7. Adds to climate change through methane and transport of beef
  8. Adds to animal suffering on factory farms etc.
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Happy New Year 2013, gangnam style plant-based

As 2012 ends, I dream of a world where:

  • We value all living beings, as well as people from all walks of life
  • We value our health and take care of ourselves, reducing suffering and costs
  • We learn to cook whole, organic, plant-based meals, and teach our children
  • We are free to enjoy life, and not work so hard to keep the richest from realizing their fears of living from the soul instead of the wallet

Happy New Year!!… Read the rest

Pancreatic Cancer, Medical System vs. Macrobiotics

Pancreatic cancer is a bummer. Here are some of the people we’ve lost that way:

  • Steve Jobs
  • Randy Pausch
  • Patrick Swayze
  • Michael Landon

Did you know that once someone is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, their one-year survival rate is:

  • 10% with conventional medicine
  • 52% on a Macrobiotic diet

Some ideas:

  1. Two servings of whole grains
  2. Reduce salt, baked foods, chicken, eggs and cheese
  3. Relax through meditation, nature walks and pets
  4. Avoid harmful chemicals in food and at home/work
For more ideas, Google “Macrobiotics for Cancer” or buy a book by Sherry Rogers, MD
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