Broken Bones, Karma and Calcium


My friends and extended family sometimes have issues with falls, including hips, ankles, shoulders, neck, knees and fingers. What can be the matter? Osteoporosis!

First, we need to be careful. Our intuition and our karma can help us avoid accidents and injuries.… Read the rest

Foods For High Blood Pressure Control


Say you are 50, and you’ve got mild Crohn’s Disease, but it’s being treated, and you are otherwise in decent health. Maybe 10 pounds overweight, don’t exercise enough, too much work stress, etc. Pretty common situation in today’s world.

Now you go for your physical, and the doctor informs you that your blood pressure is a bit high.… Read the rest

Do you have a cold? Dry skin? Indigestion? Cook this!

Winter is coming, and although Panera, Chipotle, Legal Seafoods and Town Pizza serve the same “foods” throughout the year, we need to make adjustments to feel good and keep our health strong.

First eat fewer raw salads. If you must have salad this time of year, please blanch or press more hearty vegetables, and/or use a hot dressing.… Read the rest

Pancreatic Cancer, Medical System vs. Macrobiotics

Pancreatic cancer is a bummer. Here are some of the people we’ve lost that way:

  • Steve Jobs
  • Randy Pausch
  • Patrick Swayze
  • Michael Landon

Did you know that once someone is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, their one-year survival rate is:

  • 10% with conventional medicine
  • 52% on a Macrobiotic diet

Some ideas:

  1. Two servings of whole grains
  2. Reduce salt, baked foods, chicken, eggs and cheese
  3. Relax through meditation, nature walks and pets
  4. Avoid harmful chemicals in food and at home/work
For more ideas, Google “Macrobiotics for Cancer” or buy a book by Sherry Rogers, MD
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Snacking Better

If you don’t bring a healthy lunch to work, then you might have to eat out.

Most restaurants and takeout joints pack their food with tons of salt, sugar, chemicals and animal products, which not only weaken your immunity and promote obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc.,… Read the rest

Does The World Work?

Sometimes it seems that everything is broken.

In my world, it’s the little things that get me. The kids up the street don’t show up on time to walk with my daughter (so I get to walk her, that’s good), the street sweeper is preceded by the leaf-blower who is spewing gas fumes on kids walking to school, people have not signed up for my cooking class and it may be cancelled, and now my men’s group has scheduled a competing event.… Read the rest

I Eat Healthy, But I’m Always Getting Sick

I hear this all the time. The truth is, we should get no more than one cold per year, and we should not have acid reflux, high cholesterol, constipation, backaches, headaches, muscle cramps, rashes, warts, fungus on our toenails, baldness, premature graying, difficult menstruation, mood swings, and depression.… Read the rest

Oil Crisis and Healthcare Crisis Related!

Who do you know that “cannot eat fried food?”

In the old days, we enjoyed fried clams, onion rings, chicken, french fries, fried dough etc. with only minor issues.

Now, we get diarrhea just thinking about it. Why is that? Many reasons really, from portion size, to lack of fiber, to poor chewing.… Read the rest

Pickles! Pickles! Pickles!

Went to Zaftig’s in Framingham for the first time on Sunday evening, with my wife.

I grew up in a Jewish family, so delicatessen food appeals to me. Nowadays, however, I choose not to eat certain foods, especially in the massive quantities we see in a typical deli.… Read the rest

Five Food Myths

We learn about healthy eating from people who don’t know, or corporations who want us to buy their food or drugs. Here are five untruths:

  1. Fried Food Is Bad For You
  2. Animal Foods Are a Good Source of Protein
  3. Dairy Producs Are a Good Source of Calcium
  4. Tomatoes, Eggplant, Peppers, Potatoes & Spinach Are Good For You
  5. Eating Many Small Meals Per Day Is As Good as Three Square Meals

1.Read the rest