Natural Solutions to Nagging Back Problems

Summer is here! Sadly, most of us must work to finance vacations and monthly expenses. With work, comes stress. Add to it the ever-increasing political, social and environmental struggles. To reduce our stress, we turn to comfort foods. For some, it’s … Continue reading

Turn Off ALS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers etc.

Turn off ALS? Wow. More than half of doctors: Don’t value our time Are not open to alternative healing Promote tests, drugs and surgery Don’t have a clue how to prevent illness Are not healthy themselves Believe that diseases are … Continue reading

Easing Bipolar Disorder With Nature

Life has its ups and downs, but for you, the roller coaster is a daily occurrence, and hardly ever as enjoyable as a visit to the amusement park. Unfortunately, medicine is rarely a good answer. Like most diseases, Bipolar Disorder … Continue reading