Summer is here! Sadly, most of us must work to finance vacations and monthly expenses. With work, comes stress. Add to it the ever-increasing political, social and environmental struggles. To reduce our stress, we turn to comfort foods. For some, it’s … Continue reading
Category Archives: organic
Turn off ALS? Wow. More than half of doctors: Don’t value our time Are not open to alternative healing Promote tests, drugs and surgery Don’t have a clue how to prevent illness Are not healthy themselves Believe that diseases are … Continue reading
If you are over 40, and have any symptoms or take any daily meds, this is your wakeup call. All disease is caused by animal protein, chemicals, and stress, and aided by eating sugar, and having bad family history. Beef, … Continue reading
The way we grow crops is insane. Annually, we use millions of tons of nitrogen fertilizer and we use hundreds of thousands of tons of pesticides (except in the case of organics, less than 1% of the total in the … Continue reading
It seems like most people are pessimistic about the future of this country, what with the bratty child replacing the hip parent in the White House. I was already pessimistic, and like the idea of a shakeup to the establishment, … Continue reading
It’s been a while since I’ve written—sorry. The reason I’m into balance and healing, is because early in life, and to an extent still, I’ve had difficulty balancing my own life and health. Isn’t that how many of us find … Continue reading
Spring is in full swing now, the days are getting hotter, and we need to get to spring cleaning. That means eating less, chewing more, and getting more outside time and movement. I’m going to do my situps etc. in … Continue reading
Life has its ups and downs, but for you, the roller coaster is a daily occurrence, and hardly ever as enjoyable as a visit to the amusement park. Unfortunately, medicine is rarely a good answer. Like most diseases, Bipolar Disorder … Continue reading
This is BIG NEWS. One by one, fast food restaurants and other well known food brands are taking antibiotics out of their animal foods. Why? Simple. Although the short term gain of cows and chickens that seem to avoid infection … Continue reading
Eating out a lot lately? Meaning to get outside, but waiting for the end of school or the beginning of summer? IT”S ON! Here’s a yummy morning drink that will help relax and detoxify your body this morning. Greens … Continue reading