You Have a Hard Pancreas

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Pancreatic cancer is on the rise. You can tell by reading the obituaries, or by Googling it.

Steve Jobs, that famous Last Lecture professor from Carnegie Mellon Randy Pausch, Patrick Swayze, Michael Landon, Sally Ride, Ben Orr from the Cars, and so many others have died, some of them very young, from Pancreatic Cancer.… Read the rest

Lots of Talk About Aging Now

It’s easy to improve your health, how you feel, and how you look.

When you take steps to do this, you will also slow down your aging, and live longer.

Here are ten ways to do accomplish this with diet and lifestyle

Top 10 Ways to Slow Aging, and Look, Feel and Live Better

  1. Drink more and better quality water, between meals (not during meals)
  2. Avoid animal food, GMO, salt, sugar, chemicals and processed foods
  3. Eat boiled grains: rice, millet, barley, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.
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Foods For High Blood Pressure Control


Say you are 50, and you’ve got mild Crohn’s Disease, but it’s being treated, and you are otherwise in decent health. Maybe 10 pounds overweight, don’t exercise enough, too much work stress, etc. Pretty common situation in today’s world.

Now you go for your physical, and the doctor informs you that your blood pressure is a bit high.… Read the rest

How To Heal With Love

How much love do you have in your life? Is it keeping you healthy?

Love comes from within, and many of us have skeletons in our closet or bad habits that prevent us from fulling loviing ourselves, and that lets illness creep in, particularly when we add poor lifestyle choices such as the Standard American Diet, too little time outside, and not enough exercise or rest.… Read the rest

How Natural Are You?

Nature keeps us healthy and happy, and by being natural we help preserve nature, and reduce suffering.

Here’s a little quiz to see how natural you are.





1. How many hours per day do you spend outdoors (think of the last 30 days=Spring!)Read the rest

One Body, One Life, One World

I’m at the mall, in the Apple Store. Very happening place. Technology is really great, but we are all overloaded by it by the end of the day. Gifts etc. are nice too!

But today is a beautiful sunny day, 60 degrees, and all I want to do is take a nice walk and perhaps lay down on the grass to connect with nature.… Read the rest

Commitment vs. Obligation

I am going through an exercise for the next 30 days to help free up my negative energy.

Even as I am committed to serving others, and I spend many hours cooking and driving and listening for people who need my support, I sometimes feel this work weakens me, and I need to understand and avoid that dynamic.… Read the rest

Get a Good Night’s Sleep (for S.P.)

My new friend is a wonderful person. He is sensitive, smart, generous and has great taste.

Unfortunately, he’s feeling weak and depressed, after decades of living without discipline, and having only recently tasted life without privilege.

Luckily, he’s been to the mountaintop, and he has plenty of support.… Read the rest