Thanks For Making Me Look Super Healthy

Senior man giving woman piggyback ride

My friend is fun to hang out with. He loves to live in the moment, meet people, and try new things. Unfortunately, he pays a price for his vices.

Here is a partial list of the health problems he has, at age 50:

  1. Bone Spur Requiring Hip Resurfacing
  2. Allergies
  3. Headaches
  4. Sleep Apnea
  5. Snoring
  6. Anxiety/Depression
  7. Obesity

He eats animal foods every day, including cheese, milk, turkey, chicken, beef, etc.,… Read the rest

Foods For High Blood Pressure Control


Say you are 50, and you’ve got mild Crohn’s Disease, but it’s being treated, and you are otherwise in decent health. Maybe 10 pounds overweight, don’t exercise enough, too much work stress, etc. Pretty common situation in today’s world.

Now you go for your physical, and the doctor informs you that your blood pressure is a bit high.… Read the rest

How Natural Are You?

Nature keeps us healthy and happy, and by being natural we help preserve nature, and reduce suffering.

Here’s a little quiz to see how natural you are.





1. How many hours per day do you spend outdoors (think of the last 30 days=Spring!)Read the rest

What’s Up, Doc? You know a Vegan Diet is the Cure.

Some time ago, a friend dislosed her newly diagnosed digestive disorder. It did not shock us, because these people eat BADLY, and her husband has already had his second bout of potentially fatal cancer.

How is she doing now? Her doctor gave her a medication, so now she can “pretty much do the things she was doing before.”… Read the rest

What's Up, Doc? You know a Vegan Diet is the Cure.

Some time ago, a friend dislosed her newly diagnosed digestive disorder. It did not shock us, because these people eat BADLY, and her husband has already had his second bout of potentially fatal cancer.

How is she doing now? Her doctor gave her a medication, so now she can “pretty much do the things she was doing before.”… Read the rest