A Better Way to Heal

Most of us pay huge medical premiums every month. It’s a growing problem, and one that has stunted business growth in this most recent recession. When we do get sick, our philosophy is often, “Good, now I can reap some … Continue reading

Macrobiotic Remedies For What Ails You

In the past two days, I’ve eaten things I regularly don’t. Stress, holidays, weakness, whatever. Many people have no symptoms when they eat this way, because they have strong constitution, or because they’ve always eaten this way, but I am … Continue reading

Get a Good Night’s Sleep (for S.P.)

My new friend is a wonderful person. He is sensitive, smart, generous and has great taste. Unfortunately, he’s feeling weak and depressed, after decades of living without discipline, and having only recently tasted life without privilege. Luckily, he’s been to … Continue reading