We are only human. How can we pass up things that are so enticing, so delicious, so addictive, when they surround us, perhaps at a moment of weakness? Here are some of my food vices: Cinnamon Toast Guacamole Swiss Cake … Continue reading
Category Archives: learning
I’m not a wellness coach/authority/guru because it comes naturally to me. It’s because health has always been a challenge for me. I suspect it’s the same way with a lot of people. A weakness becomes a strength. I will always … Continue reading
I’ve been at this for a while now, and I must say, I enjoy it. Sharing my life reminds me I’m not alone, and adds incentive for others to include people in their lives. In these times, with financial and … Continue reading
Yesterday I had an amazing birthday. The day was filled with support, love and gifts from friends and family. I also had a chance to learn some new things, and serve others, as well as enjoy wonderful food. Thank you … Continue reading
In the past, even as recently as five years ago, when things when wrong, I sometimes fell apart. A rainstorm when sunny skies were predicted, a recipe that turned out wrong, a person who took offense when none was intended, … Continue reading
Yesterday I met a person who has become successful at improving preschool and elementary education in the area. She impressed me not only with the current state of her business, carefully expanding while focusing on top-notch operations, in a very … Continue reading
This week, my best friend lost his mom. She was older, about 85, and she had been suffering, so it’s for the best in one way, but of course it was difficult for him, and for all of us who … Continue reading