Get back on! Every day is a new day. No need to beat yourself up, this world has never been as crazy as it is now. But you deserve to have a long, happy, productive life, and that means you … Continue reading
Category Archives: health habits
In the past 24 hours, I’ve spoken with three people who indicated someone close to them has cancer. And one of my heroes (pun intended) passed away from cancer at 69. We have an epidemic here Folks! It is painfully … Continue reading
Life has its ups and downs, but for you, the roller coaster is a daily occurrence, and hardly ever as enjoyable as a visit to the amusement park. Unfortunately, medicine is rarely a good answer. Like most diseases, Bipolar Disorder … Continue reading
Winter is tough!! There comes a lot of bad eating, in order to get the energy to face the stress that comes with weather, Patriots games, rising prices, violence in the world and other difficulties in this competitive world. The … Continue reading
I am an overeater. I should eat less during every meal. My digestion would be much better. Last night I went to Juniper with a friend, it’s a GREAT restaurant in Wellesley. The lentil soup was the best I ever … Continue reading
Truth is, doing anything fast can be problematic. Slow and steady wins the race. Better to do it slowly and keep the weight off, and feel great the whole time. Make it a priority to live more healthfully, be happier … Continue reading
People in the USA don’t understand what colds and flu are, and how to prevent them. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry, so big pharma, hospitals, doctors and the government are not going to tell you. I will. Here’s the deal: … Continue reading
Tempted by a cleaner lifestyle? Awesome. You will enjoy life more and live longer, and reduce suffering. Here are a few things to try: Body Rubs Daily A pickle after each meal (real pickles have no vinegar, colors, sugar) Boiled … Continue reading
We are only human. How can we pass up things that are so enticing, so delicious, so addictive, when they surround us, perhaps at a moment of weakness? Here are some of my food vices: Cinnamon Toast Guacamole Swiss Cake … Continue reading
How much love do you have in your life? Is it keeping you healthy? Love comes from within, and many of us have skeletons in our closet or bad habits that prevent us from fulling loviing ourselves, and that lets illness … Continue reading