Chemicals Are Everywhere…And So Is Cancer


USA cancer deaths are rising despite more testing, medicines, procedures, even vaccines. These interventions actually CAUSE cancer, and are very expensive.

What’s less expensive, and more effective? Prevention. Here’s the recipe (from our front page):

  1. Eat organic plant-based low fat/sodium/sugar meals
  2. Take nature walks and do yoga/stretching/massage
  3. Enjoy meditation, chanting, poetry, music, sleep
  4. Do body rubs every day & see a chiropractor regularly

Avoiding chemicals is not on the list because we really cannot avoid them.… Read the rest

Sickness Duration As A Clue To Your Health & Longevity


How often do you get sick?

When you do get sick, how long does it take to get well? Would you like more health?

Before I began eating brown rice every day, eating mostly organic, and limiting animal foods, I would get “The Flu” every year once or twice, and literally be down for one to three weeks.… Read the rest

Ten Superfoods You Need to Try Now

Superfoods can counteract the garbage we put into our body when we cannot say no. Here are my top ten. I eat them every month or more, and as a result I can still jump over fences at 49.

  1. Hato Mugi
  2. Maitake mushrooms
  3. Umeboshi Plums
  4. Daikon
  5. Miso
  6. Kuzu
  7. Burdock Root
  8. Lotus Root
  9. Sea veg: Nori, Wakame, Arame, Kombu, Kanten (Agar)
  10. Sweet Vegetable Drink

The above foods, along with brown rice and local seasonal vegetables, will keep you happy and healthy well into your 80s.… Read the rest

Restoring Your Body In 28 Days

Are you in tough shape health-wise?

Can you answer yes to more than one of these:

  1. I take regular medications
  2. I do not have large, well-formed bowel movements daily
  3. I am frequently feeling depressed, or have a headache or muscle ache
  4. I am tired in the morning or at night
  5. I am 20 pounds or more overweight
  6. I have been told I have high blood pressure or am diabetic or pre-diabetic

If so, here is the EASY cure, it takes just one month.… Read the rest

The Smell Of Cinnamon Toast

We are only human. How can we pass up things that are so enticing, so delicious, so addictive, when they surround us, perhaps at a moment of weakness?

Here are some of my food vices:

  • Cinnamon Toast
  • Guacamole
  • Swiss Cake Rolls
  • Bagels w/ Lox Cream Cheese
  • Good Red Wine
Many people eat chocolate when it’s available.
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How To Heal With Love

How much love do you have in your life? Is it keeping you healthy?

Love comes from within, and many of us have skeletons in our closet or bad habits that prevent us from fulling loviing ourselves, and that lets illness creep in, particularly when we add poor lifestyle choices such as the Standard American Diet, too little time outside, and not enough exercise or rest.… Read the rest