Prevent Heart Disease & Cancer With Diet

Nobody wants to get heart disease and cancer. Yet, half of all Americans die one of these two ways. If it’s at 89, in your sleep, so be it. You did well.

But too many of us are getting sick at 51, and dying at 56, or even earlier, from breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, brain tumors, etc.,… Read the rest

Frequency of Illness vs. Quality of Diet


Do you get sick more than 2-3 times per year? Is the duration more than 24 hours?

Does this affect your productivity, enjoyment or budget?

If so, consider this: You may be eating too much, getting too many toxins, and still may not be getting enough nutrition, in order to keep your immune system strong.… Read the rest

New Reasons Not To Eat Beef

cowsare people

According to researchers, eating beef more than once per year contributes to heart disease.

Okay, so here’s 10 reasons not to eat beef:

  1. Linked to heart disease
  2. Linked to cancer
  3. Linked to obesity
  4. Linked to alzheimers
  5. Drains drinking water supplies
  6. Damages soil through fertilizer and toxic runoff
  7. Adds to climate change through methane and transport of beef
  8. Adds to animal suffering on factory farms etc.
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Protein Truths

Proteins are amino acid chains  that our bodies create and use as enzymes, hormones and structural tissues.

The myth that animal protein is superior to plant protein comes from the fact that animal foods have all eight amino acids, vs. plant proteins which combine to provide them.… Read the rest

What Do You Want From Me?

I like to blog. It helps me focus my thoughts for more success in my life. But I also want to help you.

Today, I have three thoughts. Please let me know which is most helpful or interesting to you. Thanks.… Read the rest

Today, A Poem About My Friend

How can this happen?
My poor child, stolen from her youth,
What nobody knew and dared to think.
She was savagely tied up, drugged and tortured.
Away from her family, she gave up hope of returning home.
But she struggled to live and someday be free again.… Read the rest