Marking Time As Father To My Daughter


Every six months or so, I get to take my lovely daughter out for a meal, just the two of us.

My job is not to bring up stressful items, to not make a scene, to not offend her by ordering animal foods, and to agree to view any video or hear any song she chooses.… Read the rest

My Earth Day Wish

Happy Earth Day 2015!


Here’s my wish for Earth Day:

I wish all the people in the United States, were healthy, happy and enlightened enough to see that our planet has many wonderful, unique gifts that are ours for the borrowing, but that we must support her, and not take advantage because of greed and competition.… Read the rest

Feeling Like A Mortal

When we are young, sometimes we feel immortal. I know I did.

  • I suppose there are many good reasons for this:
  • Lots of energy and everyone around you seems to care
  • Haven’t been to a lot of funerals or lost many relatives yet
  • Perhaps people don’t tell the truth, that we are going to die, and life is short!
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Perfect Summer Breakfast


Went to a party last night for an old friend’s 50th birthday. He is looking good, and his new house is wonderful, as was the company.

One thing that struck me was how old everyone looked. I guess 50 is on the back nine, but I also heard a lot of talk about cancer, hip and shoulder surgery, arthritis, etc.… Read the rest

2013 Is The Year To Be Open to Change

Happy new year once more.

How will 2013 shake out for you and your family? Will the economy expand, and your finances improve? Will your minor aches and pains subside, or will health problems mount?

Energetically, this year promises to be a little bit more relaxed and friendly, compared to the last two.… Read the rest

Happy New Year 2013, gangnam style plant-based

As 2012 ends, I dream of a world where:

  • We value all living beings, as well as people from all walks of life
  • We value our health and take care of ourselves, reducing suffering and costs
  • We learn to cook whole, organic, plant-based meals, and teach our children
  • We are free to enjoy life, and not work so hard to keep the richest from realizing their fears of living from the soul instead of the wallet

Happy New Year!!… Read the rest