If you saw how I much I have seesawed back and forth with health, you would laugh. Maybe you are the same way. Bottom line is: I LOVE foodI eat with abandon when I’m up, or when I’m downI’m up … Continue reading
Category Archives: affirmation
Tempted by a cleaner lifestyle? Awesome. You will enjoy life more and live longer, and reduce suffering. Here are a few things to try: Body Rubs Daily A pickle after each meal (real pickles have no vinegar, colors, sugar) Boiled … Continue reading
Life has its ups and downs. I need to be mindful of my habits while I’m enjoying the highs and handling the lows. I must be able to live in the moment but be aware of my self enough to … Continue reading
I am going through an exercise for the next 30 days to help free up my negative energy. Even as I am committed to serving others, and I spend many hours cooking and driving and listening for people who need … Continue reading
When you wake up, are you ON right away? Life can be more enjoyable, and your health stronger, if you spend :15 to :30 each morning in your body. This can be meditation, yoga, stretching, affirmations, a walk, or a … Continue reading
Summer is a great time to heal your body. Eat less, be outside more, de-stress by working less, and laughing more. And give to others, which makes us all feel good. Learn more about healing at http://www.davidsorganic.wordpress.com … Continue reading
Here are some cool ideas and advice for you… 1. If you are looking for a new and delicious restaurant in Metrowest… Punjabi Grill–went there today for the BEST Indian/Pakistani meal I’ve had in Boston in over five years. There … Continue reading
What a feeling, to work for something, then to get it. Lately, I’ve wanted to earn more money, to become a vegan chef, and to have an opportunity to spend time in Asheville. This week, all three had breakthroughs. I … Continue reading