If you feel fantastic, have no complaints at all and take no medications (in your household), stop reading.
If that is not the case, chances are your diet and lifestyle are at least slightly out of tune with nature.
Given today’s convenience-based world, it’s no surprise, and no shame. But it’s not something you
want to continue doing blindly, without some knowledge of how to build health when you need to.
Here are a few things that can benefit our bodies (things I do regularly, with excellent results)
Diet (Whole Foods, online or Asian markets)
-Eat Sea Vegetables Every Day (so many kinds, easy, use where you would add salt)
-Eat Umeboshi Plums (nature’s tums, adds great flavor, somewhat expensive but worth it)
-Eat Daikon Radish (good to digest animal foods, cooked or raw, cubed, sliced or grated)
-Eat Miso (fermented soybean/rice/chick pea paste builds proper bacteria for digestion, use in soups, sauces, stirfries, and on infections!)
-Get outside for :30 every day, ideally for a relaxing walk in the woods
-Meditate for even five minutes per day. Just means you are breathing, feeling your body, connected with the Earth)
-Do a body rub daily (see our Glossary at http://davidsorganic.wordpress.com/glossary/)
-Work on your attitude–do you need to appreciate what you’ve got? Use affirmations to get more confidence? Be more gentle and loving?
-Be more open to alternative health, and taking responsibility for your own health