Bipolar Disorder Is The Same As Hypoglycemia


Bipolar Disorder Is The Same As Hypoglycemia

Think about it—when they eat chicken and pizza, they get frustrated and angry, and when they eat ice cream and soda, they explode.

Here’s the cure, when you are ready for it. 10 foods to avoid, and 10 foods to enjoy, and a few lifestyle tips to not experience hypoglycemia/bipolar disorder:

Foods to Avoid
  1. Chicken/Beef/Pork/Tuna/Eggs, especially barbecued, roasted, baked, fried
  2. Hard, Salty Snacks such as pretzels, chips, crackers, and all white flour and pasta
  3. Cheese and milk (cream and butter are not great, but not as bad)
  4. Cold Foods such as iced tea, ice cream, ice cubes, etc.
  5. Sweets, especially sugar, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, aspartame, splenda, etc.
  6. Alcohol, coffee, tea, soda, fruit juice (only drink filtered spring water, bancha twig tea, cooked carrot juice, sweet veggie drink)
  7. GMO foods: soy, corn, vegetable oils etc. and Tropical Foods, especially in winter (papaya, avocado, coconut, etc.)
  8. Nightshade Foods, especially in winter (tomato, potato, pepper, eggplant, etc.)
  9. Preservatives and Colors, and other chemicals
  10. Raw fruit, especially in the winter, and especially watermelon, dates, etc.
Foods to Enjoy
  1. Brown rice, especially short grain, pressure cooked, with a pinch of sea salt
  2. Sea Vegetables of all kinds
  3. Mushrooms of all kinds, well cooked
  4. Well cooked veggies: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collard, cuke, carrot, onion, radish, turnip, parsnip, winter squash, etc.
  5. Chestnuts, Sesame, and other well cooked nuts (not salted, not sugared, not burned)
  6. Umeboshi plum
  7. Miso Soup made from Barley miso
  8. Pressed and Blanched Salads, with no dressing
  9. Chew Very Well
  10. Do not overeat, eat late, or eat standing up or watching TV etc.
Lifestyle Tips
  1. Do a Daily Body Rub
  2. Talk a walk in the woods daily
  3. Go to sleep by 11pm and rise by 7am
  4. Work on a regular basis
  5. Do Meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, Chanting, etc.
  6. Run, Lift, Swim or Bike
  7. Keep plenty of plants in the home
  8. Avoid arguments
  9. Live in the present
  10. Go for a massage, chiropractic, craniosacral therapy, etc.

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