America’s Anger Problem

We are angry. That’s why hockey dads kill coaches, disgruntled ex-workers kill bosses, and Army doctors kill patients.

Why are we so angry? Primarily because we are eating sick, miserable, scared and angry animals at a ferocious pace, and we are surrounded with suffering and a lack of wisdom on how to handle it.

Why isn’t everyone angry? Some of us don’t eat as much anger and violence, know ways to work it out, and they also may have different mechanisms for emotion such as sadness or schizophrenia.

How should we handle it? Here is a top 10 list that everyone should read, and those of us with some anger issues might consider tackling one at a time

1. Stop watching the news and reading the newspaper. There is a high concentration of bad news because good news doesn’t sell papers.
2. Stop watching violent television, movies and playing violent video games. This is practicing being good at getting angry, and feeding our anger.
3. Stop eating fast food and any animal products that are not free range, organic, fed natural diets, etc. These animals are suffering horribly, and we are destroying ourselves and the planet as we continue this practice. If you are concerned about higher prices for these healthier animal foods, eat less of them, and replace them with organic grains, beans and vegetables, which will also improve your health.
4. Read “Anger” by Thich Nhat Hahn. It’s a remarkable book that is the product of a brilliant, focused man studying many years on the subject. I recommend the audio version, available on Amazon.
5. Instead of running, biking, swimming or lifting weights, walk for thirty minutes each day. During the walk, enjoy nature and be thankful for what you have.
6. Tell everyone in your life that you appreciate them, and then realize they are doing the best they can, and then love them like they might not be around tomorrow.
7. Take time to work on something you enjoy, whether it be poetry, piano, carpentry or gardening. We are all creative, we just need to nurture it.
8. Dance, sing, do yoga and enjoy life flowing through your body. This is called being alive, and too much work and stress can make us forget for too long. Don’t let it.
9. Chew your food well, and choose foods with less salt, less sugar, less chemicals, and less processing. This makes your body happy and your mind powerful.
10. When you feel anger, breathe, and ask someone who loves you to listen to you compassionately, without judgement. Take care of your anger and it will heal.

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