Raise your hand if sometimes you eat more food than you wanted to, or too much of one particular item (Apple Pie a la mode for me!). I see some ands, so here’s the tip:
Right after you eat something you are not happy about, have a pickle (that is, a small amount of a real, salt-fermented vegetable, without vinegar and without food coloring). Ideally, buy a jar or tray of Umeboshi Plums at Whole Foods, or online at www.naturalimport.com
Umeboshi plums are pickled for a year, and I consider them to be nature’s Tums. They also make wonderful additions to rice balls, salad dressings, pasta sauce and so much more.
While you are in that aisle, consider picking up some Seaweed, especially Nori, Wakame, and Kombu. Tomorrow I’ll talk about what to do with them–make sure you tune in, especially if you are having issues with high blood pressure, osteoporosis, or anemia.